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Warwickshire Local Dental Committee

We are committed to be a source of support, advice and reference for member dentists in Warwickshire.

We have an important role to play in working with NHS England to help develop dental services for the area.

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Contact details and Privacy

This website is published by Warwickshire Local Dental Committee

© Copyright Warwickshire LDC 2012. All rights reserved. All external copyrights acknowledged.

All enquiries should be addressed to:

Jenny Warham
Professional Secretary Warwickshire LDC
Connaught House Dental Surgery
Connaught House
Morrell St
Leamington Spa
CV32 5SZ

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Privacy Statement

About Warwickshire Dental Committee

The Warwickshire Dental Committee (WLDC) is a non-profit making organisation which  represents dentists in Warwickshire.

What we do

The WLDC exists to serve the interests of its Members and our core objectives are set out in our Constitution, which is available to all members upon request.

For the purposes of this service Members refers to any dental practitioner currently or in future registered to provide NHS Dental Services in Warwickshire


GDPR Data Protection Policy

Our full Data Protection Policy is available to download HERE